The National Federation of Cypriots in the UK has written letters to the Sunday Telegraph and the MailOnline following articles that were published advertising holidays in the occupied area of Cyprus. The UK’s 300,000 British nationals of Cypriot origin strongly object to such adverts and appeal to fellow Britons not to go on holiday in the areas of Cyprus that are illegally occupied by Turkey since 1974.
The Sunday Telegraph, referred to Kyrenia harbour as being in the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”. In its letter the Federation reminded the editorial team at the Sunday Telegraph that the illegal regime in the occupied area is described by the United Nations as “legally invalid” (United Nations Security Council Resolution 541).
The MailOnline, published an article about the occupied northern part of Cyprus that referred to the Karpass peninsula as “isolated” and “the most naturally beautiful and sparsely populated part of the island.” In its letter the Federation pointed out that the town of Rizokarpasso is home to enclaved Greek Cypriots who are deliberately “isolated” and deprived of their human rights by the illegal regime and are forced to rely heavily on supplies delivered to them by the United Nations. It is therefore, both inappropriate and insensitive for the MailOnline to romanticise such a place.
The letters also asked both the Sunday Telegraph and the MailOnline to refrain from future advertorials about the occupied northern part of Cyprus, given the offense caused to the large number of refugees who now live in the UK and lost their property following the illegal Turkish invasion.