Staff, students and parents at St Andrew the Apostle Greek Orthodox School were delighted to hear today that planning permission for a new and permanent school building has now been granted by the Secretary of State. The approval is part of a scheme for the wider residential development of the North London Business Park by the Comer Group.
Acting Headteacher Michael Vassiliou said: “We are thrilled and excited by this decision. It means that our community will receive what it deserves – the very best of educational opportunities in purpose-built accommodation for our students, and the opportunity for our staff to continue to develop our already wonderfully, successful school.”
His views were echoed by Yiannis Pareas, Chair of Governors: “The Governing Body of St Andrew the Apostle School is extremely pleased with the announcement that a new, permanent building for the school has been agreed. We, along with staff members and students, are looking forward to the new premises and we are grateful to the government for this decision and the funding that goes along with it. We would like to give thanks to all who have supported us in the venture.”
Colin Mackinlay, CEO of the Russell Education Trust (RET), said, “The whole school community has waited a very long time for this decision; it is wonderful that the exceptional provision that they have established in their temporary home will now be able to flourish in a purpose built modern building – this is fantastic news too for the families who will be joining the school this September”.
Discussions between the Department for Education, RET and the Comer Group about next steps began within hours of the decision being announced and the school is looking forward to sharing progress and the detailed plans as they are developed and implemented.
Details of the approval for planning and building can be obtained by clicking here