This Easter will be different, but just as important, for all of us. Instead of large family gatherings and packed church services to proclaim Christ is Risen, we will be celebrating either by ourselves or in our households. Whilst this will be understandably difficult, by doing so, we will be keeping ourselves, our community and our NHS safe.
However, despite the invisible and dangerous global threat of coronavirus that is gripping our community, the UK and motherland of Cyprus, the Easter message of resurrection and renewal can be our guiding light during these difficult times. Whilst the situation might currently feel tough, especially as we mourn those who we have lost, we will get through this. There are brighter days ahead.
Easter is a time of solidarity and love to our fellow human beings, hope, faith and optimism to overcome challenges. During this time of challenge, we all have our role to play. It has been heartwarming to witness the community cohesion, goodwill and kindness over the last month. Just as the light spreads from candle to candle at the divine liturgy at midnight on Easter Saturday, so the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK and our community have rallied around to overcome these dark days – whether that is frontline workers in our fantastic NHS and other key industries; volunteers taking care of our elderly, vulnerable or those in need; or simply those of you who are Staying at Home to Save Lives. Thank you.