Federation President Christos Karaolis, Treasurer Bambos Charalambous, as well as Executive
Secretary Andreas Karaolis, and Assistant Executive Secretaries George Alexandrou and Elisavet
Parpi, met with Alison Kemp, Head of the Mediterranean Department, Sheba Rosier, Head of
the Cyprus Desk, and Tom Hinson, Cyprus Desk Officer at the FCDO.During the meeting, the Federation delegation reiterated the unwavering commitment of the UK
Cypriot diaspora to the reunification of Cyprus in line with the existing UN framework,
discussed recent developments on the island and prospects for the restarting of talks including
the urgent need for the appointment of a UN Special Envoy. They also urged His Majesty’s
Government to take every step to ensure that Turkey returns to the negotiating table within the
agreed UN framework of a bizonal, bicommunal federation.