Nick Yiannoullou (Chair)
Twitter: @EptakomiCyprus
Eptakomi Association UK was founded to assist the displaced people of Eptakomi (Eptakomides) following the invasions and occupation of Eptakomi and to preserve the cultural identity of Eptakomides.
Eptakomi is a village in the Karpasia Peninsula of Cyprus. Before the invasion in 1974, ¾ of the population were Greek-Cypriots and ¼ Turkish-Cypriots mostly engaged in shepherd and agricultural work. When the Greek-Cypriot Eptakomides fled in 1976, they managed to hide and smuggle out their most famous possession, the manuscript of St Luke, which is now on permanent display in Kykkos Monastery. They escaped and settled in Ayios Thomas, Platanisia and elsewhere globally.